Wednesday, May 17, 2006

More Pics!

This is probably the final batch of pics I will put up. These give you an idea of how fortunate we were to have such nice weather and to visit such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing in our special day.

Happy and sleepy on the plane home. Posted by Picasa

Love was in the air. Our friends M and H got engaged this week too! Here they are on the corner of Bancroft and Telegraph. Posted by Picasa

The site of our first date - we ate Vietnamese food and then saw "Punch Drunk Love" here in November of 2002. Posted by Picasa

It was a beautiful day. Looking from Tiburon towards Angel Island. Posted by Picasa

A whole bunch of bicyclists had pedaled in to sample the wines. Posted by Picasa

The Tiburon Wine Festival started that day but we had to jet over to the City for a wedding. Posted by Picasa

We also looked down on Sam's famous Anchor Cafe.  Posted by Picasa

Our balcony looked out on the marina. Posted by Picasa

The ferry dock was right next door. Posted by Picasa

Our hotel.  Posted by Picasa

Back on the Main Street outside the resturant after dinner, we hung out with the locals and danced the nite away. Posted by Picasa

We had fun. Posted by Picasa

After the beautiful sunset, the full moon began to rise over Angel Island. You can faintly see it to the left of P. Posted by Picasa

Looking back towards Angel Island from our table. Yes, that man to my right is wearing a pashmina. Posted by Picasa

A ship found its port that day. Posted by Picasa

Happy. Posted by Picasa

Our table looked right out on the bay and back to Angel Island.  Posted by Picasa

Beautiful girl and a funky seventies ring. Posted by Picasa

On our way to celebrate at Guyamas after she gave into my pleas to be my special lady for life. Posted by Picasa

Pride of Medeira. Posted by Picasa

Doing my best to act casual among the medeiran blossoms.
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P subconciously contemplating the leap of faith she would take later that day . . . Posted by Picasa

Looking towards the Golden Gate from Angel Island. Posted by Picasa

P reminds me to "forget her not." Posted by Picasa

Looking back towards Tiburon. Posted by Picasa